The Ensign Articles

Why the Truth is Important

by Trudy Adams The Beginning of Lies In the Bible, each of the persons in the trinity are strongly connected to truth. Moses said that God is ‘the God of truth and without iniquity’ (Deuterono


Trusting in God

by Trudy Adams The Ensign Understanding Trust The Bible repeatedly exhorts us to trust in the Lord, but translating that into something that is meaningful for us on a practical, every-day level c


Comfort in Grief

by Trudy Adams The Old War The opposition between life and death is one of the main themes of the Bible. God describes himself as the ‘God of the living’ (Mark 12:27), while Satan or the d


Overcoming Sin

by Trudy Adams The Origin of Sin Christian Israelite’s believe that the redemption of the body can be achieved in the end times through overcoming the power of sin (see What Do Christian Israe


Understanding Forgiveness

by Trudy Adams The Challenges of Forgiveness It is often difficult to forgive those who have hurt, betrayed or committed an injustice against us. We may feel that forgiveness means the offendi


The Value of the Armour of God

by Trudy Adams The Whole Armour of God Ephesians 6:11-18 is a passage that speaks about our need for the armour of God. It outlines what pieces of armour are required to protect each part of the